Friday 26 July 2019

Another Sticky Hot Day!

I didn't sleep on my camp bed at all last night and eventually returned to my normal bed at about 5am where it was very slightly cooler than last night and got about an hour's sleep before having to go to work. I was like a drunken zombie all day.

Although temperatures had dropped to 23.5c outside, as I drove into work this morning, the hospital remained at boiling point all day. Yesterday's heat had not escaped the building and we suffered again with stifling conditions. Some of my colleagues who live in the Norwich area reported big thunderstorms last night, but there was no rain here overnight. I really hope tomorrow's forecast is correct and the rain is torrential to cool things down! My body and mind can't take much more!

This won't be a joyous weekend at all. Vivien is coming to my house tomorrow and we have to spend hours filling in laborious legal forms in relation to the family home and on Sunday I am scheduled to work all day!!! Roll on the following weekend!

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