Tuesday 23 July 2019


  • Close every window
  • Close all curtains and blinds
  • Turn all lights off when/where possible.
  • If you have pale curtains hang something dark over them.
  • Only open windows late evening/middle of night, if air is cooler than in room and close again before sunrise (5.02am tomorrow) to keep all rooms in day as cool as possible – closing them later in morning is too late, as the boiling sun will have been pounding through into the room, raising the temperature to melting point!!!!!
  • Fill hot water bottles with cold water and put in freezer a couple of hours before bedtime and then enjoy icy cold water bottles all night!
  • Keep hydrated, drink lots of water
  • Purchase a Cobber Neck Wrap from Amazon – I have one, its awesome! You soak the wrap in cold water for 30 minutes and then for added coolness, place in freezer for a short while. You can then wear round your neck, head, wrist etc and it stays cold for ages!
  • If you are working.... have a tepid shower as soon as you get home, sit on sofa with fan on and move around as little as possible, apart from doing your tea and only do essential jobs like watering plants, changing bird pools and feeding hedgehogs!!!
  • I wonder if anyone has invented a type of head fan? Wouldn’t that be fabulous!!!😂 Pray for ❄️ ☃️

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