Thursday 25 July 2019


"UK heatwave: Second hottest day on record leads to travel chaos"

"Today's heatwave saw the hottest day ever recorded in Norfolk, with the mercury soaring to 35.8C, forecasters confirmed and police closing the A11 due to melting tarmac."

IT WAS UNBEARABLE IN THE HOSPITAL TODAY. All lights turned off to the minimum, blinds and windows closed. I felt so sorry for the patients, it was dreadful. It was like a boiling inferno, inside and out. When we walked out of work it was even hotter, sickeningly hot, the intensity was shocking. Getting in the car was torture and the air conditioning did not even kick in fully by the time I got home. The outside temperature at 4.40pm according to my car was 40.5c (104.9°F) and one of my colleagues who works part time, recorded 42c (107.6°F) at her home in Pott Row at 12.30pm!!!

Dripping hot and exhausted, I stumbled into my house after work. I felt sick. I changed the hot bird bath water so the birds could have a cool splash around and then collapsed on the sofa with the fan switched on. Watered the plants outside and put out hedgehog food at around 9pm. I didn't even have the energy to cook any tea until 9.30pm. When I ventured upstairs a short while ago, I was horrified by the intensity of the heat, so I won't be going to my bed tonight. Its going to be a long night, camping on the kitchen floor, there is no way I will be sleeping upstairs, its like an oven!!! Looking forward to the lower temperatures tomorrow! My hot water bottles are in the freezer, can't wait to get them out! Now going for a cool shower!

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