Sunday 7 July 2019

Wimbledon & Gardening!

No birding this weekend. I was spending the day with Lucy yesterday, but she wasn't in the best of moods and cancelled our day out. So, instead I had a wonderful relaxing day, watching all the brilliant Wimbledon matches on offer, whilst enjoying fruit salad and ice-cream!

Today I loaded up the car with gardening tools and birding gear. Drove straight to Titchwell RSPB to buy one of their Niger seed feeders and seed tray to attached underneath – didn't have time to stay on the reserve, plus it was too hot anyway. I spent eight hours in the garden at Holme, doing some serious clearing and cutting back. Anyone viewing the property wouldn't have been able to walk around the top of the garden, so lots of back breaking work had to be done – hand shearing all the nettles down, to create a path around the apple trees. Got the lawnmower out and cut all the grass out the front of the house and the lawn by the greenhouse. General tidy and pulling some of the nettles up elsewhere, weeding, pruning, sweeping up, cleaned all bird baths out and watered the few remaining pot plants. Read the meter – time to pay the electric bill again!

Had a private viewing of the house, when a couple turned up unexpectedly who I know – they seemed very interested now the price has dropped! We had a viewing yesterday and have another one on Monday afternoon – hopefully someone will make a sensible offer soon. It was 9pm when I left the house, so couldn't squeeze any birding in at all! Arrived back at my house in King's Lynn, cleaned all bird baths out, topped up feeders, put hedgehog food out and collapsed on the sofa! No rest for the wicked! Work tomorrow!

I hear from a fellow birder that people are STILL parking their cars one behind the other at the parking area at North Point, Wells. Please park next to each car (as you would in a supermarket car park) as this means more cars will fit in the car park – please think of others, thank you.

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