Tuesday 15 October 2019


Dear All!

This morning, I stopped receiving emails to my account: pennyclarke@dsl.pipex.com from after 7.45am, so anyone that has sent emails from then until 11.15pm this evening, I have not and will not be receiving them. Please send them again on the new email below.

Long, long story short..... I used to be a Pipex customer and  TalkTalk took them over. I have not got round to deleting emails in my inbox for a long time and had over 10,000 emails in there! I had a message coming up yesterday saying I wouldn't receive anymore until I deleted some emails. My own fault as should have done this a long time ago. So, this evening, when I should be finishing packing, I spent over 3 hours deleting most of them. Shut down my iMac and and turned it on again. Still didn't receive any emails and knew I had no choice but to ring TalkTalk. Eventually I demanded to speak to a Senior Manager.

I have been on the telephone to TalkTalk for 1 hour and 54 minutes. I have not got time to explain the issues, but I threw a wobbly in the end after speaking to a Senior Manager and asked for a new email address. Here it is!


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