Friday 25 October 2019


  • Gale force winds battering the roof and heavy rain and hail ALL day long!
  • Enjoyed seeing the sun come out for a few moments every so often
  • Watched Gannets sailing over the cliffs and rough seas
  • Watched the Goats outside
  • Couldn't see the Maine Coone cat through the heavy rain on the glass doors
  • Watched Starlings outside
  • Watched the TV
  • Made decisions
  • Organised next year's holiday, thanks to S.A and A.M.H!
  • Dozed
  • Cried watching Sinead's final hours on 'Corrie' – reminded me of my mother's last day
  • Wrote the blog
  • Realised you never need to water your plants in Shetland!
  • Went to bed –  still raining!

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