Sunday 29 December 2019

Another Trip To The Dung Heaps!


I couldn't resist another trip out to the dung heaps at Sedgeford, to see the cracking Blue-headed Eastern Yellow Wagtail again! I'm back at work tomorrow, when it is forecast to be sunny all day, typical! All those retired and holiday photographers will be back in their droves tomorrow to get some sunny pictures – how I wish I could join them! No sun forecast for New Year's Day (my only day off this week), but sun forecast for Saturday 4th January (working again on the 5th).
The now very famous dung heaps at Sedgeford!
The most exciting location in Norfolk – us birders know all the best places!

My "Black Brant" I found last night amongst the 5,000 Pink-footed Geese was mis ID'd by me – who else! It was poor light and late on, was at the back of the flock on the hill!!! Excuses, excuses! Anyway, texts from M.A.G this morning, indicated that this was in fact a Grey-bellied Brant and he said this was only the third sighting this winter. I see it was still there again today amongst 7,000 Pink-footed Geese.
  Spectacular Sunset over Sedgeford this evening

It was nice to meet some of my blog followers at Sedgeford over the last few days, can't quite believe the distances that some people have travelled from to see this bird, including one family from Cardiff! The end of my Christmas break and back to work tomorrow. Looking forward to new beginnings in 2020!

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou for info about the blue headed wagtail,got some great spots
