Thursday 26 December 2019

BOXING DAY TWITCH – Blue-headed Eastern Yellow Wagtail!

In dismal and rainy conditions I finally got to see the cracking Blue-headed Eastern Yellow Wagtail at Sedgeford this afternoon – phew! Not many people spend Boxing Day standing in puddles and mud by three dung heaps, it was certainly worth it. I would never expect to find something like that, at this time of the year in Norfolk and in such an odd place – just goes to show there are rare birds to be found any time, we just need to put the work in to find them, which of course finders JM and KF most certainly do! Met three London birders here, who had just popped up for the afternoon! Nice to meet you all, one of them was called 'Franko'. Good job I wore my wellies, its certainly not walking shoe/boot conditions along that road! It was interesting watching other birds here too, including Pied Wagtails, Chaffinches, Blackbirds and House Sparrows and a Blue Tit feeding on the dung heaps. My pictures are as dismal as the weather was, so may not bother posting them. I will return another day in better light, hopefully!

Picked Lucy up at 5pm and did a Boxing Day tea for her, watched more TV, took Lucy home and now going to bed at a decent time – shattered, good night!

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