Sunday 15 December 2019

Titchwell RSPB & Holme Marsh Reserve NWT!

Inside Fen Hide at Titchwell RSPB

It seems like several weeks since I have been birding. Various issues have affected me getting out of the house, so it was good to finally escape today. At this time of the year, I try not to drive too far, especially as I have to cover so many miles in my job. I'm on a community rotation at the moment for six months – I return to the ward in early February.

I didn't see very much today, but it was still nice to be out. Had a wonderful lunch at Titchwell RSPB. The feeding station is beautifully decorated and I was very pleased to see that there are more choices on the menu since I last visited. I had macaroni cheese with garlic bread, followed by the best cake I've ever had at a reserve – it was Ginger Marble Cake, covered with dark chocolate and decorated with little gingerbread men and Christmas trees – it was exceptionally nice! Nice to bump into Chris S. here, who now volunteers at this reserve. The seating has changed and there is now a table running the length of the window with chairs to look out onto the feeders (as Cley NWT) and it looks loads better like this I feel. They are now giving you china mugs for hot drinks instead of the paper ones, which is an excellent idea and saves waste – good idea and much nicer to drink from a proper mug.
 Festive Decorations in The Feeding Station at Titchwell RSPB

Bird of the day was a Woodcock along Meadow Trail, partly camouflaged behind branches and lovely to see, but not in a position to be photographed at all! Also saw a female Blackcap briefly, Wren, Robin, Blackbird, Kestrel, Magpies, Marsh Harrier, Little Egret, Moorhens, Great Tit. I spent a long while in Fen Hide waiting for a Bittern to appear, but no luck with that. Beautiful arrangement in the hide (see top picture).
Patsy's Reedbed

Ended the day at Holme Marsh Reserve NWT and saw a Common Buzzard, Marsh Harrier, Kestrel, Barn Owl, lots of Mallards, Wren, Little Grebe, Moorhens, Curlew and skeins of Pink-footed Geese flying over. Thought about my mother a lot whilst here, one of her favourite places. Christmas is a rubbish time when you've lost both your parents. I miss having Christmas day with my family at Holme – my mother was an excellent cook. So sad its all ended, so sad.

Lucy, Vivien & Ray and I are have a pre Christmas lunch this coming Sunday 23rd December. On Christmas Day I will be cooking a veggie lunch for Lucy and I at my house and Vivien and Ray will be in a pub somewhere south of Ely. I then have Boxing Day and Friday (booked off as annual leave), Saturday and Sunday off work, before I return on Monday 30th December. New year's day off only that week. Looking forward to a new life in 2020.

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