Wednesday 1 January 2020


I stayed up far too late last night or should I say this morning! I was watching highlights of Glastonbury and all kinds! I set the alarm, but felt awful so didn't get up early at all. The first bird I saw today was a House Sparrow, one of several that regularly come to my feeders daily. I spent a good while cleaning out bird baths and topping all the bird feeders and table and then had New Year's Day brunch! My local Blackbirds soon zoomed in to enjoy the dried fruit and meal worms I had scattered amongst the seed on the bird table. I currently have an annoying Squirrel who has obviously been working out in the gym, as although it cannot remove the heavy metal top from the nut feeder, it can jolt the entire feeder to fall to the ground and then has a nut fest!

Visited the Blue-headed Eastern Yellow Wagtail at Sedgeford for the fourth time, where it was feeding in its usual spot between the two big dung heaps. Momentarily it landed in the field on the other side of the road, but I wasn't quick enough to photograph it, before it returned to the dung heaps again. I counted 84 Fieldfares scattered around the field! Chatted to a few birders here and then returned home to chill before work tomorrow. There were two big rocket sticks in my front garden – the result of zillions of fireworks that went off here last night.

How fabulous that a local birder found a Desert Wheatear yesterday for birders to see today – what a great bird to see for the start of a new decade! Here's to a fabulous 2020 with some exciting birds for us all to enjoy. Happy New Year!

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