Sunday 12 January 2020


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Rough-legged Buzzard NW of Wells
Tundra Bean Geese x 3 north of Sedgeford
Smew x 2 (both redheads) at Rollesby Broad
Tundra Bean Goose, Greeland White-fronted Geese x 3 at Walpole St Peter
Hen Harrier, Snow Buntings x 20 at Cley NWT
Twite x 10 at Thornham Harbour
Caspian Gulls x 2 at recycling centre, Ketteringham
Cattle Egrets x 8, Great White Egrets x 4, Short-eared Owl at Burnham Overy Staithe
Russian White-fronted Geese x 5, Tundra Bean Goose east of windmill at Weybourne
Shorelarks x 5, Snow Buntings x 50, Long-tailed Ducks x 3 at Holkham Bay
Russian White-fronted Geese x130 at Holkham Freshmarsh
Black-necked Grebe, Great White Egret at Holkham Park Lake
Tundra Bean Geese x 2 south of Choseley Drying Barns
Great White Egrets x 6 at Nar Valley Fisheries
Russian White-fronted Geese x 30 along Acle Straight
BLUE-HEADED EASTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL (nominate form tschutschensis) 1w male at dung heap, west of Ringstead Road, north of Sedgeford
Caspian Gulls x 3 at Longwater Retail Park at Costessey
Tundra Bean Geese x 5 between Blackborough End & Wormegay
Common Cranes x 15 between Acle Bridge & Billockby
Bewick's Swans x 20, Whooper Swans x 50 at Ludham Airfield
Ferruginous Duck ad. fem. at Ranworth Broad
Great White Egrets x 2 at Welney WWT
Tundra Bean Geese x 20 at East Somerton
Common Cranes x 2 at Potter Heigham Marshes
Long-tailed Duck at Ormesby Broad
Water Pipit, Red-necked Grebe, Slavonian Grebe, Snow Bunting, Hen Harrier at Titchwell RSPB
Russian White-fronted Geese x 18 at Lyng
Short-eared Owl at North Dunes, Winterton
Hawfinches x 3 at Lynford Aboretum
Hen Harriers x 3 at Roydon Common NWT
Hen Harriers x 2 at Stiffkey
Tundra Bean Goose, Russian White-fronted Geese x 7, Common Cranes x 2, Ruddy Shelducks x 2 at Horsey Mill
Russian White-fronted Geese x 2 at Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Bewick's Swans x 4 SE of Downham Market
Great White Egret at Upton Fen NWT
Bewick's Swans x 111 at Southery

Fisherrow, Lothian, Scotland

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