Sunday 23 February 2020

Cley NWT!

Cley Church from the East Bank at Cley

Headed east – got the car washed on route, which was way overdue and then headed for Cley. Popped into CleySpy at Glandford to get my Swarovski phone scoping adapter adjusted, bought a new 'Healthy Back Bag' and then parked up in the East Bank car park at Cley. I soon realised that I would need all layers, hat and mittens!

It was very cold and windy, but the sun was out and it was a beautiful walk along the East Bank. My parents met here – my main reason for coming here today, to remember them both. Lots of Brent Geese, Wigeon, Gadwall, Shelducks, Shoveler, Teal, Redshanks, Mute Swans, Little Egrets, Herons, Starlings and Reed Buntings. Lots of gulls on Arnold's Marsh and big numbers on the sea too. It was a bracing walk! The sea was magical with big waves crashing onto the shingle.

I've been pretty down over the last few weekends and couldn't even be bothered to leave the house much – which is why there hasn't been much bird news from me, plus the weather has been utterly rubbish. It did me good to get out today and visit one of my favourite places. Roll on Spring!

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