So, upon valuable advice from a friend, I picked up my antibiotics "Doxycycline" and will be taking these for 21 days – first one taken this evening. According to recommendations from pharmacist, I need to be careful in sunlight whilst taking these, as you can develop a skin rash – good job I'm not out and about, as I would be normally at this time of the year!
I fell asleep after my tea, so I have no idea how many people were clapping outside at 8pm! It was raining, so maybe not many!
I had lyme disease several years ago, the rash didn't appear until six weeks later, so I didn't even know I had it until then. Big bullseye rash came up on my knee. Picked it up on Kelling Heath. Blood tests confirmed it. Doxycycline enough to kill a horse for 8 weeks, lashings of factor 50 suntan cream and my GP recommended taking plenty of yoghurt as well. Must be the best sort, Yeo Valley or Onken have the required elements, as the antibiotics kill off all your 'good bacteria' and you're liable to suffer a urinary tract infection otherwise. Happy to say I had no side effects other than skin burning before I put the factor 50 on. No after effects either and I'm completely recovered.