Friday 5 June 2020


Its been raining all day, thank goodness! I can't remember the last time it rained! Something funny happened at lunchtime – I was sitting by an open window in our temporary second office at work, when a sudden hail storm catapulted hailstones onto my forehead, which caused some amusement amongst my colleagues! I shut the window pretty quickly!

Yesterday, I had the antibody test (blood test) for Covid-19 – you have to wait about a week for the results to come through by text. I strongly believe I had this in a very mild version, right at the beginning before lockdown – I had a very different and burning sore throat for two days only – it felt very odd indeed. I've felt completely exhausted this week and haven't had the energy to go out birding in the evenings after work.

No new coronavirus-related deaths in Norfolk hospitals

Date hairdressers and barbers set to reopen revealed

Banham Zoo and Africa Alive! on verge of collapse because of coronavirus

Face coverings: What are the new rules?

Coronavirus: Who should wear a face mask or face covering?

Coronavirus: WHO advises to wear masks in public areas, reversing policy

Coronavirus: 40,000 UK deaths - what happened?

There are now 40,261 deaths in the UK and 283,311 confirmed cases!

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