Thursday 25 June 2020




Its been insanely hot today. I have had all the windows shut to keep the heat out and all curtains drawn. This evening I opened all the windows at about 10pm to let some cool air in and someone, somewhere just decided to light a bloody bonfire – they have waited until it’s dark so nobody can see where it’s coming from! How utterly selfish can people get on the hottest day of the year!!! Unbelievably nasty! I might get in the car and drive round – I won’t hesitate in asking them to put it out – why should I be awake all night in a boiling house with no windows open?!!! Buy a shredder, use bin or go to the dump – it’s wrong to light fires in a built up area and even more so when it’s this hot!!!!! The smell is revolting, so I expect they are burning something dodgy! 😡😡😡😡😡

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