Friday 17 July 2020

Friday Update!

The last few days have been very stressful. So, my washing machine has died and had to order a new one, arriving Saturday 25th July. Two work colleagues very kindly offered use of their washing machines, but I'm a stubborn and fiercely independent person, so spent this evening hand washing clothes. Last night my hot water system decided to go wrong as well! The hot water boost heated all the radiators up to boiling point – I was really stressed and didn't what the hell was going on. Long story short, turned main switch off and the radiators eventually cooled. Googling, I discovered that a three way valve will probably have to be replaced. Have to wait for British Gas to come out between 8am and 1pm tomorrow. Hope nobody goes and refinds the Great Spotted Cuckoo until I can escape! The tooth weirdly has settled down a bit, but still have to take pain relief at nights in order to get a good nights sleep. Completely exhausted. Good night.

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