Sunday 26 July 2020

Time Spent With Lucy!

AT LAST, after almost FIVE months, I was allowed to take my sister Lucy out in my car! We both had to wear masks in the car and Lucy had to sit in the back behind the passenger seat and the windows had to be open. Lucy simply wanted to sit in my garden, so that’s what we did. She has almost become institutionalized, but even though she has found things extremely difficult, she has somehow got through it! Sitting in my garden was so much better than meeting in the 'Walks'! No barking dogs, just lots of birds, bees, hoverflies and butterflies to watch in the garden – she really enjoyed herself. I did offer to take her to the beach as well, but I completely understood that it would have been too much for her all in one go.

I cooked Lucy's tea and of course we had dessert! We listened to classical music – it was so nice! We were not allowed to sit in my house, luckily it didn’t rain! We were given very strict rules from the Manager where Lucy lives and we followed everything that we were supposed to – we didn't even hug, even though we wanted to – we did an air hug as I call it. Sadly Vivien couldn't join us, as she and Ray had to drive to Surrey to look at a new and bigger narrowboat. Hopefully Lucy will let me take her a bit further a field next time, but today was a good start! I don't think she will go too far though, as like me, she doesn't travel well in the back of a car and with a mask on as well, its not exactly fun.
I can't remember the last time I went birding, it seems like ages! I'm planning to visit Titchwell RSPB one night this week after work – if I have the energy after wearing a mask all day! At least I have all next weekend free to go birding!

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