Monday 31 August 2020


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Temminck's Stint, Wood Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpipers x 5, Whinchat at Cantley Beet Factory
Pied Flycatcher, Great White Egret at Walsey Hills NOA
Barred Warbler, Wrynecks x 4, Pied Flycatcher at Burnham Overy Dunes
Black Tern juv., Great White Egret at Titchwell RSPB
Pied Flycatcher at Wymondham
Curlew Sandpipers x 12 at Dickleburgh Moor NR
Wood Sandpipers x 3, Little Gull, Great White Egret, Whinchat, Spoonbills x 6 at North Point Pools, Wells
Wood Warbler at East Hills, Wells
Barred Warblers x 2, Bluethroat, Pied Flycatchers x 4, Whinchat at Blakeney Point
Little Stints x 5, Curlew Sandpipers x 4, Spotted Redshank, Caspian Gull, Great White Egret, Whinchat at Cley NWT
Little Gull flew past Cley
Little Stints x 3, Great White Egret at Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Garganey, Cattle Egret, Great White Egrets x 3, Common Cranes x 4 at Welney WWT
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at South Dunes, Long-tailed Skua flew past Winterton
Wryneck at Muckleburgh Hill
Wryneck at Weybourne Camp
Spoonbills x 22 at Stiffkey Fen
GREENISH WARBLER, Pied Flycatchers x 2 at The Green, Thornham
Hawfinch at School Road Back, Great Yarmouth
Curlew Sandpipers x 2 at Snettisham RSPB
Red-backed Shrike 1w., Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Waxham
Whinchats x 2 at Gramborough Hill
Great White Egrets x 2 at Holme Dunes
Curlew Sandpiper flew past Sheringham
Whinchat at Beeston Bump, Sheringham
Wood Warblers x 2, Hawfinch, Pied Flycatchers x 4 at Eccles-on-Sea
GREENISH WARBLER, Pied Flycatchers x 2 SE end of Nelson Head Track, Horsey
Short-eared Owl at Burgh Castle
Great White Egret at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB
Dotterel flew over Choseley Drying Barns
Spoonbills x 4 flew over South Beach Heacham
Whinchat at Kelling Water Meadows


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