Wednesday 30 September 2020

Chilled Birding at Holme Reserves!

(possibly of an eastern form)
I spent all day at Holme Reserves and didn't see a huge amount of birds. I sat in my car for quite some time, waiting for the presumed Eastern Lesser Whitethroat to appear in the NOA car park – luckily it did a few times, but too far away for mint pictures. Met a lovely lady called Liz, who follows my blog and two more blog followers – lovely to meet you all. Bumped into Robin Jolliffe, (who lives along the Firs Road) who recently had a Yellow-browed Warbler in his garden.

Other birds seen: one Swallow flying west, Cetti's Warbler heard, several Great Tits, Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Robins, Willow Warbler, Stonechat, Common Buzzard, Kestrel, Little Egret, Black-tailed Godwits, Greylag Geese, Redshanks and lots of ducks, Coots and Little Grebes on the Broadwater. Quite a lot of cars on both NOA and NWT car parks, but an increase in birders I noted – makes a nice change!


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