Tuesday 20 October 2020

RBA Weekly Round-Up 13th to 19th October!

By Jon Dunn

Huge thanks to the RBA Team for including my photograph of the incredible Eastern Rufous Bush Chat in their fabulous weekly review. My picture wasn't worthy enough to be included in my opinion – it was taken from a good distance away with a 300mm lens and certainly wasn't sharp etc, but maybe they were looking for a different kind of scenic shot, who knows, but thank you anyway. There are some incredible shots of this bird from other photographers with bigger lens and far better camera set ups than mine, but the most stunning pictures I have found so far, are that of Peter Garrity, which are crystal sharp! I retweeted his pictures on Twitter here. One of his superb pictures headlines the Eastern Rufous Bush Chat write up.

Huge thanks again to finder John Reeves for his exciting find and for making a lot of birders extremely happy indeed!

Read RBA's finder's account of this mega bird here.

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