Sunday 31 January 2021


9.47am to 10.47am – Sunday 31st January

Starlings x 6
Blackbirds x 5
Blue Tits x 2
Coal Tit x 1
Great Tit x 1
Robin x 1
Hedge Sparrow x 3
House Sparrow x 13
Wood Pigeon x 1
Collared Doves x 5
Sadly no Song Thrush appeared at all, even though I put out chopped-up apricots, which they seem to love. When I first moved here, almost twenty years ago, I would have Long-tailed Tits, Goldfinches and lots of Chaffinches and also Chiffchaffs in the Spring, but sadly not any more.
After 50 minutes of my survey, all birds scattered when one of my neighbours decided to start a very loud DIY project, which involved smashing something continuously with a hammer, combined with screaming children, just behind the end of my garden fence! I don't think it would have made much difference to my results though, unless it put off my Song Thrush putting in an appearance in the last 10 minutes!
My bird food selection: fat blocks: meal worm & berry, fat balls, finch seed, no mess seed, wildbird seed with flakes, sunflower seeds, niger seed, peanuts, meal worms, mixed dried fruit and home-made granary bread.


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