Saturday 2 January 2021

Birding At Home!

Spent the day at home, watching the birds in the garden. The mince pies are extremely popular with my Blackbirds – they dive in really quickly, after I have crumbled the pies onto the table! Lots of things to sort in the afternoon, to do with tests and vaccines – long story!

I'm at work tomorrow, but off on my new usual days of Monday and Tuesday! My Covid lateral test (that we have to do at home) was negative today, but tomorrow I have to have a full Covid test at work and it seems we may be having the vaccine sooner than we all think, as in within the next few days/week.

Farm crops at risk as pink-footed geese are 'running out of food'


57,725 people have tested positive for Covid over the last 24 hours – a new daily high!

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