Wednesday 13 January 2021

Covid-19 – Day 11!!!

I felt so tired last night, that I didn't think I needed to take any sleeping tablets....... I tossed and turned until 3am. Came downstairs, watched TV, took one sleeping tablet and returned to bed and didn't get up until lunchtime.

Now the back of my throat feels slightly sore and tickly when I draw breath and I developed a slight temperature again early evening, which was 37.6C. I'm so fed up with all these symptoms and just wish they would all disappear.

My self-isolating 10 days is up (from the day I was diagnosed 4th January) and tomorrow I could go back to work or leave my house etc. I'm not well enough to return to work yet and certainly need to get my insomnia sorted out. At least I can walk out of my property tomorrow if I feel up to it. I didn't walk along the path outside today at all. I feel so exhausted and this seems to be getting worse each day.

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