Thursday 14 January 2021

Covid-19 – Day 12!!!

After going to bed last night, I decided to try and sleep again without taking any medication. After an hour I gave up and took two sleeping tablets. I tossed and turned for hours, they didn't seem to work!!! I couldn't believe it! Got up twice and watched TV and then returned to bed. The next thing I know, my sister Vivien is ringing me and its 12.45pm! So the tablets obviously worked, but took considerably longer than the stated "takes around one hour to work"!

It was snowing this afternoon, well sleet to be more exact – it was too wet to lay. My throat still feels tickly and slightly sore, but didn't have any temperature issues today for the first time. I still feel so exhausted though. Replenished all the bird feeders, cleaned the bird baths out and put out dried fruit and an apple for my Blackbirds. Lots of House Sparrows, Starlings and Collared Doves in the garden, along with a Robin, Great Tits, Coal Tits, Blue Tits, Hedge Sparrow and Wood Pigeon.

At 7pm I decided to venture out of the house for the first time to post and return my Oxygen Sats Monitor that I purchased from Amazon via 'Hermes' courier service. There is a post office/corner shop only a couple of streets away from where I live – I put my cosy Muck Boots on, wrapped up well, mittens on, hood up and off I went. By the time I got home I felt liked I had walked 10 miles or more. Also the cold air had made my throat worse and I felt like I was gasping for breath – this settled once sat on the sofa again. I hadn't expected to feel like that, this virus has obviously taken more from me than I thought.

Forced myself to cook some tea, which I didn't feel like eating. Can't really taste anything and my mouth has tasted like poison the last few days. It felt so odd leaving the house this evening and seeing another human being (staff in the shop) for the first time in ages. Everything seems so strange at the moment. Our entire way of life has changed and its going to take a good while before we can return to normal – whatever 'normal' is!!!

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