Saturday 16 January 2021

Covid-19 – Day 14!!!

I didn't take any sleeping tablets last night. Didn't sleep very well again. Snowing from around 5am and it looked very picturesque later on, but quickly turned to slush. Got up early, had a shower and washed hair and sat on the sofa at 9am. Fell asleep all morning until 1pm. I need to go to the supermarket, but feel too exhausted to go. My mouth still feels so sore – I don't look my best right now! Watched Simon King's Shetland Adventure on BBC4 this evening and then Michael Palin's Sahara straight afterwards. Had microwave macaroni cheese and green beans. Feel like I could sleep forever!

1 comment:

  1. Penny
    Seems to me that you need to ne more proactive with your GP or contacts at your hospital. Long covid doesn't sound at all pleasant and you need a more rigorous test to se just what your situation is.
    All the best
    Les Easom
