Sunday 24 January 2021

Covid-19 – Day 21!!!

Saturday 23rd January

The Naproxen tablets have not kicked in yet at all and my 'Costochondritis' remains the same.  There was a small amount of sleet late afternoon, but nothing else. Lots of birds in the garden again today, including at least 6 Blackbirds, 30+ House Sparrows, Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Starlings, Robin, Wood Pigeon and Collared Doves. Vivien sent me snowy pictures from Ely, so they had a fair bit there! She also sent me a cute picture of the local Muscovy Duck, enjoying some brown bread next to the narrow boat!

Muscovy Duck, Ely
©Vivien Clarke (cropped and edited by me)
Finally went food shopping at Sainsbury's late this evening to avoid the crowds. Its seriously slippery and icy out there this evening, so watch out in the morning. I felt exhausted just putting the shopping away, I don't know how I'm going to manage going back to work next week, but I'll give it my all!

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