Tuesday 5 January 2021

Covid-19 – Day 3!!!

I was in bed by 9pm last night, which is extremely rare for me, I wanted to go earlier, but wanted to hear Boris's 8pm update. Because of the increased amount of water I have been drinking, I was up what seemed like every half an hour to go to the loo. This was probably a good thing though, as you are supposed to get up regularly through the night to help keep your lungs clear. I have just read that not sleeping at night, can be one of the many Covid symptoms. The pain continued in the right side of my chest and it was very painful to turn over on the opposite side in bed, but paracetamol helped at bit.

Got up fairly early this morning. It was so painful to lift my right arm up to put a hair band round my hair to get into the shower – so odd! I still have a temperature, but it is not on the high side like it was. Basically, I have been okish today. My basic symptoms are the right chest/shoulder pain, a general shivery feeling all over, muscles aching, lack of energy and feeling low in mood (good job I'm on anti-depressants!).

Tons of birds in my garden this morning, including a record 9 Collared Doves. Also unusually 2 Jays and a Magpie! Lots of Blackbirds squabbling over the last mince pie (see video) and enjoying the dried fruit. Loads of House Sparrows, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Coal Tit, Robin and Hedge Sparrow. I ordered more cheap dried fruit for the birds from the supermarket to be delivered today, but forgot to get mince pies! Oh well! Took a video of my blackbirds through the patio window, see below.

Doing any tiny job makes you exhausted. The Sainsbury's shop turned up at 1.10pm. I opened the door wearing a mask (obviously) and informed the delivery man that I had Covid, at which point he stepped back and he wasn't wearing a mask! That will make him put one on at the next house! He was very nice though and asked how I was feeling. It completely wiped me out, taking the shopping from the trays outside the front door into the hall and then into the kitchen and putting it all away.

The track and trace team rang me up to ask who I had been in contact with, which was a pretty stupid question as I work in the hospital – I explained all this and long story short, they are going to ring the hospital. The only person that has been closer to me than 2 metres outside work was a birder, who for a few seconds at Snettisham, moved too close, which I highlighted and he moved back.

Made myself a very healthy light lunch, but didn't really feel very hungry. Then had a doze. I have been taking a Vitamin C drink, Manuka Honey and my usual Vitamin D tablets. Also bought (via the shop) some Listerine Mouth wash, as one of my collagues told me it can help to get rid of the Covid crap from going into your lungs. A headache developed for a short while. Walked up and down my path in garden approximately 20 times to keep fit. I will do everything in my power to combat this!

At the recommendation of Carl C. I purchased a Oxygen Saturation Monitor from Amazon, arriving tomorrow! Hopefully I won't need it, but it will be useful for the rest of my life anyway!

I didn't have any energy to cook a proper tea tonight, so had a microwave vege biryani that arrived today. At 6.30pm I decided to do my Lateral Flow Test – you have to wait 30 minutes for the correct result, it obviously should have said positive, but it said I was CLEAR! So they are not very accurate are they?!!!


In this new lockdown, exercising once a day and locally, MEANS locally, not one or two villages down the road or further! It means the same village or town where you live, eg in my case King's Lynn, however pants that may seem! The sooner we all stick to this, along with the Vaccine being administered to all that want it, the sooner we can return to a normal life! I don't know about you, but I don't want to be in lockdown in Autumn Migration 2021!!!

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