Thursday, 7 January 2021

Covid-19 – Day 5!!!

ANOTHER NIGHT of almost no sleep!!! So fed up! I'm wrecked and yet don't seem able to catch up during the day either. Shivery back pain developed again last night and this has increased throughout today. Yesterday I thought I was getting better. Temperature back again this evening 37.8C. I feel really emotional and a couple of times almost burst into tears – don't know if this is another symptom of Covid or that I'm simply exhausted.

I put a message and question up on Facebook today to see if any of my work colleagues, who have suffered with or are suffering with Covid, have had Insomnia issues and found that several of them had! Made me feel slightly better to know I wasn't the only one. Good night.

1 comment:

  1. Quite emotional reading you are ill and no one can go around to help you. Keep strong and many people will be thinking of you. Love neil
