Wednesday 10 February 2021

Gull Fest at Fisherfleet, King's Lynn!

Gulls Galore over the River Ouse, Fisherfleet, King's Lynn

I parked my car alongside the wall that overlooks the Fisherfleet, just by the turning that leads to Lynn Point. The light was incredible. The River Ouse glistened silver in the setting sun and was adorned with thousands of gulls, both on the water and flying overhead. There was a large flock of gulls (mostly Black-headed) just in front of me by the outfall and there were lots of Mallards feeding, along with 40+ Redshanks and 80+ Turnstones. The Racing Pigeons were swirling round constantly and I could see one Peregrine on the 'tower'. I didn't see the Pied Wagtails gathering this evening. It was a spectacular scene in ever changing and dramatic light. A fabulous end to a very busy day!

All pictures taken with Apple iphone 11 Pro Max. A few SLR pictures to be added this week!

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