Sunday 28 February 2021

New Campsite Planned Near Holme Beach!!!

I was alerted to this from a local person in Holme and also phoned up someone else to find out where exactly this campsite is being proposed. See red cross in picture below. The road going left is Beach Road, that leads to the reserves/beach. This particular area is also an accident blackspot – people overtake on this stretch, not realising this is a hill/corner just before the approach to Holme village crossroads. Beach Road is very narrow and has traffic issues in the Summer months, well in fact anytime there is nice weather or in school holidays etc.

I seriously hope this does not go through and doubt it will. Holme is already overrun with far too many cars, people etc in the Summer months, without adding a bl**dy campsite for 50 people!!! The reserves are packed with people who are generally, not the slightest bit interested in wildlife and are only coming here to take their dogs for a walk and go for a picnic – ok, yes I don't blame them, but NWT and NOA members have a job to park on the small car parks, for which they pay membership for as it is! Will the 50 campers at this proposed site, walk all the way to the beach? I doubt it, so more traffic congestion!!! Plus a potential 50+ more dogs to disturb wildlife, just saying!!!😡


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