Monday, 29 March 2021

Meet Up With My Sisters!!!


Vivien met up with Lucy and I in the town centre (King's Lynn) and we all walked to the quayside. Lucy and Vivien sat on a bench seat and I sat on my little fold up stool. Lucy is not allowed to get in anyone else's car yet, so we were limited to where Lucy could walk to – we decided on the Quayside, less dogs and people, than there would have been in The Walks! The last time we saw Vivien was  22nd December!!! We enjoyed a coffee whilst sitting here. I took some pictures of us, but they came out rubbish, so they won't be published here!

It was a gloriously sunny day and we spent over 2.5 hours sitting here, which was a miracle! Lucy normally gets fed up after half an hour, which shows how much she missed seeing Vivien. It was windy, but fairly warm. I had my binoculars with me, hoping for a hirundine, but none seen. Lucy spotted (and me later), a Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly fluttering close by! Several gulls gliding overhead in cloudless blue skies and Cormorants flying across the Great River Ouse. It felt good to be with my sisters again and luckily on a wonderful day! Vivien gave us one of those little bags of yummy Lindt Lindor chocolate eggs and a fabulous home-made Easter card! I have had to hide the eggs up though, as on a new strict diet (again).

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