Sunday 21 March 2021

Weekend Update!

Not much to report really, just ticking the days away until Monday 29th March! The last time I walked on a beach was at Snettisham RSPB on 30th December 2020! I miss coastal birding SO much. I don't feel safe walking/birding around King's Lynn – its not much fun. I'm still feeling extremely fatigued and can only put this down to long-term Covid symptoms. The last time I saw Vivien was back in December!

Monday 29th March: See Lucy and Vivien together!
Tuesday 30th March: Beach, birding along the coast!
Good Friday 2nd April to Tuesday 6th April: Coastal birding!!!

I messaged my hairdresser yesterday, to ask when she will be ringing to re-book appointments. My appointment should have been on 23rd February. All the people who had appointments booked in January and first half of February will be seen before me, so I can't see me having my hair done on the first day of the hairdressers opening on 12th April! Oh well!

Lucy did have bad side effects after having her Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine on Friday 12th March – she felt hot/cold and basically, as Lucy put it "felt like sh*t" and had a sore arm on the Saturday. She was fine by Sunday though and just had a sore arm for a few days after that. Vivien had her first Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine today in Ely and Ray had his recently too. My second Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is on 16th April.

Completed the Census on line this evening. Looking forward to the Easter break and have booked annual leave for 21st, 22nd & 23rd April – because I only work Wednesday to Friday now, that means I have a week off!

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