Thursday 1 April 2021

Easter Weekend!

🐣 🐣 🐥  🐇

What a contrast?! Yesterday was another hot day, but today is NE, windy and chilly, as are the following days. Oh well, it might stop the hordes of people descending on the beaches! Strong winds and snow/sleet are forecast for this Bank Holiday Monday and no, that's not a late April Fool's joke!!! Don't get your shorts out yet!!! Hat, gloves, scarf, winter coat and double socks will be required this weekend!

Poor Vivien is quite shaken up this evening. Can't go into too much detail, but she was the first person on the scene to save a lady, who had fallen into the water at the Marina in Ely, late this afternoon! The lady is fine now, but Vivien's very worried that she might have done her bad back in, being as she was holding on to the lady and then assisted to pull her out with someone else. Hope she's ok in the morning. What a star! That must have been so scary! It was very lucky that Vivien was in the right place at the right time!

I joined the 'digital' WW package last week, so will be weighing myself every Wednesday evening. On my first weigh-in last night, I lost 5lbs! I'm a long way off my goal though, but I will reach it!

Update: Big News! I have a hairdressing appointment! Sadly, a long time away..... 4th May!


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