Friday 16 April 2021

Friday Night Update!

I was very pleased to be contacted from the owner of the lens cap that I found at North Point, Wells, so it will be returned to them next week! The person luckily saw my message on my blog!

My new tripod screw/part arrived the following morning on Wednesday, very quick delivery!

I lost another 2lbs on my weekly weigh in, so lost 11lbs in all now, going well!

Had a phone call appointment from my GP on Thursday, who went through all my recent blood test results in detail. In summary, everything was pretty good and my iron levels were only slightly low and would not affect my fatigue he said. The GP agreed with me that my extreme tiredness, must be down to long term Covid fatigue.

Had my 2nd Pfizer vaccine this evening after work, so all done now until we are all offered an Autumn booster! Hopefully I won't wake up with any side effects!

I'm now on holiday for eleven days and return to work on Wednesday 28th April!

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