Saturday 22 May 2021

Friday & Saturday Update!

This won't take long! Friday had to be the worst day's weather in May on record! Gales and rain all day and all night! On the other hand, we certainly need the rain! I've only seen a handful of birds outside my garden. The star today was a magical Turtle Dove purring away and seen in the village car park at Holme this evening! A few Blackbirds, 2 Mistle Thrushes, a Whitethroat and a Blackcap were also seen in the car park area.

Whilst photographing the Turtle Dove, My Sandisk card said the card was full and wouldn't take any more pictures! It wasn't full, it was empty apart from the few pictures I had taken of the Turtle Dove. Swapped it over to another card when I returned to my car. Tomorrow looks a better day!

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