Saturday 29 May 2021

Friday Update!

I feel like I have worked a full week, not a mere three days! Very busy at work and the early bank holiday traffic today was totally insane, both going to the coast and in the opposite direction! This made myself and several of my colleagues late back at various times throughout the day! I was queueing between two motorhomes at one point this morning on my community visits – not seen traffic like this and that early in the day for a very long time! Goodness knows what it will be like over the next few days in the forecast hot weather! I don't do queues through choice, so unless I go out extremely early in the mornings, I won't be going anywhere!

When I finished work, I drove straight to Necton to pick up Lucy’s repaired violin and bow, then dropped them off to Lucy, which she was very pleased about. I got my deckchair out of my car and sat it 2 metres from me, so Lucy and I could sit and chat for a while, which was nice. The rain was torrential, mid evening! Then did a supermarket shop, got home at 8.45pm, unpacked shopping and collapsed on the sofa. No time for a meal.
Surely with SE winds and the rain this evening and overnight, there has to be at least one or two good birds tomorrow?! Wondering where to start in the morning! Where will the first mega be found?! East or west? My prediction is at HBO in Sophie’s hand! Fingers crossed!

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