Monday 17 May 2021


Hairdressing Appointment at 10am tomorrow!!!!

Not been since the 3rd December 2020!

Can't wait! 💇😊

Plus I forgot to say, I'm on holiday this week, so off work until Wednesday 26th May! The forecast looks pretty pants for rarities though – I will keep my fingers crossed. It would have to be something incredibly mega to give up my hair appointment!!!

So whilst people are getting pxxxxd up in the pubs and sitting in restaurants, I STILL can't take my sister Lucy out in the car from today's new rules!!! Not happy about this at all.😕😢

All NWT hides are now open as from today, except Teal, Daukes' and Avocet Hide at Cley due to a nesting bird. All NOA hides now open too and Welney WWT. Sculthorpe Moor NR hides have been open for a while. Happy Birding everyone!

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