Monday 31 May 2021

Red-backed Shrike at Cley NWT!

Spent some time looking for my own birds this afternoon and failed. Nothing along Garden Drove at Warham, apart from a Chiffchaff, Great Tit and tons of Wood Pigeons feeding on the pig fields. No Red-backed Shrike at The House on The Hill at Blakeney (where I found one a few years ago) and no Bee-eaters sitting on any telegraph wires on route!

Fabulous views of the very smart male Red-backed Shrike in an elder bush opposite the Visitor Centre at Cley NWT. Spoonbill flew over east too. Also lovely to bump into several birders and photographers this evening: David Tipling with his Olympus kit (I need this!), Dick Filby RBA, Suzanne from CleySpy and Richard 'The Hat'. I wasn't able to stand in the exact spot I wanted to be, to phone-scope this cracking bird and the reeds were wavering around in front of it, but hey ho, you can't have everything!

David Tipling, Dick Filby, Suzanne and Richard

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