Tuesday 8 June 2021


Ely Cathedral and Tea Room Gardens!


AT LAST! I was able to take Lucy out in my car for the first time since my birthday on 27th January 2020! One year and five months ago!!!

A few days ago, I discovered a new update on the government website that stated "public transport should be avoided but travelling in a family car or private taxi would be acceptable". I sent all the details and links to the Manager where Lucy lives and they agreed that Lucy could go out in my car as of late yesterday afternoon. So a trip was quickly organised for today!

I picked Lucy up at 10am and we arrived in Ely at 11am to meet Vivien for lunch. We parked the car up by Vivien's and Ray's narrowboat and then walked in the scorching heat to Ely Cathedral tea rooms. What a beautiful setting, see top picture! Watched the Peregrines cruising around the tower – there is a web cam on their nest. There was a very tame Robin visiting everyone's tables, waiting for crumbs to drop and a few Blackbirds were collecting food in the beautiful gardens. We managed to get the last outside table at 11.40am! The lunch and dessert was devine, see below!

Whilst we sat here, I thought I recognised someone standing in the queue, wearing a face mask and waiting to be seated, was it Gemma? It was indeed Gemma I soon realised, with her gorgeous little girl Erin (aged 2). I work with Gemma, she is a lovely physio in my team! So lovely to see her here!

After our lunch, we ambled back to the marina  and sat outside in our deckchairs by Vivien and Ray's boat and chatted away for the rest of the afternoon. We were joined by the local Muscovy Ducks, Mallards and a Collared Dove. When Ray arrived home from work, we all had fish n chips for tea. Lucy and I also realised that we had not seen Ray since we all met up at the Castle Rising Tea Rooms with Vivien on 22nd December 2019!!! A very relaxed and lovely day with my sisters and Ray. Lucy really enjoyed herself, it was so nice to be able to take her out of King's Lynn. Its been such a long time! Arrived back in King's Lynn at around 8.30pm.

A few more pictures to be added

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