Sunday 29 August 2021

Health Update & Tooth Pain!

Its taken until today, for me to even start to feel 'normal' again, but now on the mend! My Covid test came back negative as I expected it to – thank goodness. I've lost a few pounds since Thursday, which all helps the diet! Had my first meal this evening.

However, last night was such fun, not, as had toothache for hours on end – the horrible lower Premolar tooth that caused me severe pain, when being root-filled at the dentist last year – its never been right since it was done last October (didn't realise it was that long ago until I looked up the date) – it has always hurt to touch or prod, so its probably at the point where it needs to be extracted, as I really don't want that playing up and ruining my Shetland trip! If I get this taken out, I will have to smile very carefully!

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