Wednesday 29 September 2021


My toe is better than it was – I can almost walk my very fast speed, but difficult to put any pressure on toe.
Car is valeted and looks the best it has done for a long time!
The petrol situation is extremely worrying, but currently I have a full tank.
Not ready for my Shetland trip at all. Still MASSES to do, even before I even think about packing.
Had to pick up three things from different places after work, got home at 6.45pm. Didn't eat until 9.40pm!!!

This evening, my iMac has gone BADLY wrong, can't open Mail, can't open Preview (to view pictures) either. Rebooted Mac by turning off and then turning on, whilst holding down the shift key, no joy, very worried, so will have to phone an Apple technician tomorrow afternoon (I finish work at 12.15pm). Here are the messages that came up – never had this happen before, ever! This is NOT the time for things to play me up!!!!! STRESSED!


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