Sunday 12 September 2021

Weekend Update!

There is so much going on, I haven't even had time to go birding! I'm now on holiday for a week and don't go back to work until Wednesday 22nd. But, most of this time will be spent preparing for Shetland! I have lots of Mac housekeeping to sort, including moving stuff off onto external hard drives, migrating everything to my laptop, installing a new router and all kinds of stuff. I leave on Friday 1st October! Its come round so quickly and obviously I'm incredibly excited, but I'm not ready!!!

I have spent SO MUCH TIME researching cameras, lenses, which ones etc – its been driving me insane! I have at last made up my mind, more on that another day!

I had dropped off my newly purchased second-hand Canon 7D Mark II and Canon EF 300 f4 L IS USM lens from Advanced Camera Services at Watton to be checked, calibrated and cleaned about a week ago and collected this Friday night after work – David, incredibly kindly didn't charge me anything, as both the camera (purchased from Wex) and the lens (purchased from were totally clean and did not need callibrating! Awesome! Excellent service, as always.

There has been car issues going on – every time I put the air conditioning on full, its sounds like I have a mouse with a sore throat, squeaking through a megaphone!!! Finally....... my garage think its the back door seal and so that has to be replaced! Brake discs and pads being done next week too and then giving the car a six year birthday treat with a proper full valet!

  • Dentist issues, don't have time to go into all!!!
  • Tons of gardening to do and after feeding the birds again, another bl**dy rat has appeared yesterday!
  • Physio appointment for my shoulder (by telephone) this week.
  • Got a letter from the hospital to inform me that my referral to ENT for a cyst in my ear would be in approximately 38 weeks!!!
Visiting Wex again tomorrow for the final shop!!! Busy, busy bee!

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