Sunday 10 October 2021

SHETLAND TRIP – DAY 10: Sunny Rain!!!

Levenwick Beach


Sun, rain and strong winds all day! I was just about to go out of the door this morning – all my gear was packed up ready to go, when a heavy rain period began, so whilst waiting for it to finish, I decided to have a little rest on the sofa. This was a very silly mistake and ruined the rest of the day, as I woke up several hours later!!! This put me in a bad/low mood and ended up not going out birding at all. A wasted day, apart from the fact I had a rest, listening to the wind whistling down the chimney and watching the Starlings and House Sparrows feeding on the lawn. My plan had been to go and see the White-billed Diver, but there was no news on it anyway, so this cheered me slightly, until news did come out that it was still there 'mid afternoon' via RBA.

Views from the cottage this morning at Levenwick

Levenwick Beach

I successfully managed to get the fire going properly, so at least something was achieved today! I didn't even switch the TV on, this made sound odd to some of you, but it would have spoilt the wonderful sound of quietness here, the sound of the wind and rain. I went out very late to Levenwick Beach to get some fresh air – it was very chilly, but exhilarating! Even in the fading light, the sea look so beautiful. Ringed Plovers and Oystercatchers were feeding at the far right end of the beach. In the words of the late Captain Tom Moore "Tomorrow will be a good day".

Whimbrel's Cottage, Levenwick
Cottage at centre, back of picture

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