Saturday 16 October 2021

SHETLAND TRIP – DAY 16: Yellow-browed Warbler At Last!

View from Whimbrel's Cottage, Levenwick

Woke up late and still felt tired. Mostly sunny day, with some rain thrown in and north west winds again. Went to see a Yellow-browed Warbler that someone had found at Noness – it was late in the day and although I had brilliant views, the YBW was constantly on the move feeding and it was impossible to get a photo. Ordered a take-away from The Sumburgh House Hotel, which I collected at 6.15pm, returned home and enjoyed fish 'n' chips! It was so nice not to have to cook for myself. I discovered a book in the cottage last night, that I hadn't realised was here, it was "Discover SHETLAND'S BIRDS – a photographic guide to the breeding, wintering and migrant birds by Paul Harvey and Rebecca Nason – a beautiful book with awesome photos and an interesting read. It also includes a section on the most popular birdwatching sites in Shetland.

Starlings and House Sparrows feeding on the lawn
View from Whimbrel's Cottage, Levenwick

View from the car park at The Sumburgh Hotel

I forgot to say yesterday, The Shetland Times did publish my Northern Lights photo, but squished it into a small space and my name has been changed to "Penny Clark" – apart from that it was lovely of them to publish a visitor's photo and I felt quite proud that I had made the paper! I have got behind with adding pictures to my posts, but I can't keep go going to bed late, especially over the next couple of days as need to be out early in the morning. My blog takes up a lot of time, as I'm sure you can all appreciate. The winds switch to east here at 1am and remain east over the next couple of days! So maybe my last chance for some more rares!

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