Sunday 24 October 2021

SHETLAND TRIP – DAY 24: A Chilled Day!

Got up really late, was exhausted from the last couple of days. Its feels weird being here now. I was supposed to be on the 7pm ferry to Aberdeen this evening. I feel out of sink now. I've lost two day's birding because of my accident and now here I am, feeling a bit low to be honest. My hand is slightly bluer than yesterday, but the splint is keeping it safe and comfortable – to be honest, I'm not looking forward to taking it off, as I will have to be more careful then! Its already annoying, so many things you need your thumb for! Difficult to make a hotwater bottle, wash up etc etc. I have no patience with not being able to do things quickly!

Set my tripod and telescope up to look out of the living room window, just in case any Orca's happened to cruise past – they didn't. Had a male Chaffinch on the lawn for the first time, along with the House Sparrows and Starlings. Went for a short walk from the cottage at about 5pm and saw 2 Wrens in the quarry and several Redwings and Blackbirds in the field just north of Midway Stores. I noticed someone had a fabulous number of Sparrows and Starlings at their bird feeder, the excited chatterings of the Starlings and House Sparrows sounded magical. Sheep and Shetland ponies were grazing in the fields by the health centre in the fading light. A Hooded Crow flew south over the hills. So peaceful here.


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