Tuesday 26 October 2021

SHETLAND TRIP – DAY 25: Levenwick Birding!


I had a terrible and restless night's sleep – I don't really know why, but maybe because I'm thinking about too many things. I feel like I have been here so long now, that I have moved here permanently – its going to seem weird returning to Norfolk. I have got used to being here. Aside from the fact that I am not working here, nearly everything else seems like normal daily living. Living in a self-catering cottage is much the same as being in your own property, no hotel services here! Futura splint remains on my hand and its driving me mad! Bruising no worse than yesterday.

It was a beautiful sunny day here until late afternoon and then the skies darkened and rain fell. I walked through the village to the beach and saw a few nice birds, but nothing rare. There were good numbers of Redwings and continental Blackbirds feeding in the horse paddocks. Loads of House Sparrows were dust bathing near the house with the bird feeder that I saw yesterday, which was lovely to watch. The usual charismatic Starlings were everywhere on route. Saw a few Wrens, one in the quarry, one in a garden near the beach and another in the cemetery on the hill.

Best birds were female Blackcap in the Siberian Rubythroat garden, a distantly seen Chiffchaff and also a Robin in the first garden on the left hand side as you approach the beach and another female Blackcap in a tree on the way back near to Whimbrel's cottage. Also saw another Robin, which got me excited until it turned and revealed its red breast, which was in the garden just right of the burn by the beach. 4 Shags were on the sea and a seal was intrigued by my presence, as I walked to the far west end of the beach. I also saw a beautiful tortoiseshell cat sitting in the garden of a driveway – I couldn't resist taking its picture!


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