Tuesday 26 October 2021

SHETLAND TRIP – DAY 26: Levenwick Birding!

I had three Hooded Crows in the garden this morning! They were attracted by the commotion of Starlings eating some bread I had thrown out. It was fascinating to watch one of the Hooded Crows pick up a piece of bread and then picked up four more pieces, before escaping to presumably enjoy in peace! I bought a berry fat block which I put outside this morning, it took a while for the Starlings to find it, but when they did, it was chaos! The squabbling and fighting going on, almost made me feel guilty for giving them a treat! It cost me £1.68 from a local shop, so they won't be getting another whilst I'm here! The berry fat block has been completely consumed.

More birding in Levenwick today, produced much the same birds, but no Blackcap or Chiffchaff seen. A Goldcrest was in the garden where I saw the Chiffchaff yesterday. Still a few Redwings and Blackbirds around and Wrens searching for food in and out of the lichen covered stone walls. The usual Starlings and House Sparrows seen, Curlews, Oystercatchers and a Robin. Lit the fire in the afternoon and watched the first episode of Autumnwatch on BBC2. I will be removing the splint off my hand tomorrow – my thumb feels achy today and bruising coming out a bit more.


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