Saturday 27 November 2021

Best Pillows EVER & Weekend Update!

I have always had good quality feather pillows to sleep on, but I decided to try something different and after lots of research, purchased a Levitex pillow – these are £70 on the Levitex website: where you can do a quiz, to determine which is the correct pillow height to buy. I bought two of these pillows in the Black Friday sale for £45 from "Dreams" on the Hardwick Industrial Estate in King's Lynn: 

You only use one pillow (I normally have two) – I purchased two to alternate and lengthen the lifespan of the pillows. As soon as you lay your head on the pillow its perfect! No bunching up the pillow to get comfy as you have to with feather ones, its extremely supportive and I wish I had bought one years ago. Recommended by physiotherapists and sports professionals for neck and spine alignment etc.

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I few years ago I would have been sitting in the Sheringham shelters for a sea watch with others today, but I felt so exhausted after work yesterday, that I couldn't face going out in "Storm Arwen". Severe winds and rain here, but no snow yet. It felt dangerous, just going outside to top the bird feeders up! I did pop into town quickly though, to get a fur covered hot water bottle for Lucy because she said she was cold and some chocolate for her. Bought my usual WHSmith photo calendar for 2022 – I really should sort out doing a Penny's Hot Birding Calendar to sell! New neighbours moved into the house opposite me today, what awful weather conditions they had!

A very sad individual decided to leave a suspect "package" outside the front of the hospital yesterday, which caused utter chaos! I hope very much the CCTV catches who it was – the NHS is under enough pressure as it is! Since being at work this week I seem to have stirred up my thumb injury again, its extremely painful this evening. Watched An Audience with Adele this evening, WOW! I have not worked a Sunday for a long time, but I'm scheduled to work tomorrow. I have a hearing consultation at the hospital on Monday! Oh dear, its all downhill now!

Boris announced in his press conference this evening that we all need to wear masks again in shops and on public transport from next week, which won't make any difference to me as I never stopped wearing them. It should never have stopped – its not much to ask really is it?! We have to wear them for 7.5+ hours every day, so wearing them in a shop etc should not be an issue for anyone.

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