Thursday 11 November 2021

Mid Week Update!

Last weekend was pretty pants really and not what I had planned at all! I had my Covid booster and the Flue injection together on Friday and I didn't feel too brilliant over the weekend, resulting in sleeping a lot, combined with feeling very low in mood.

My sisters and I had booked a room to ourselves at Castle Rising Tearooms on Monday. This would be our first indoor lunch together since before Covid began and also the first time we would be spending time together since before I went to Shetland, which was probably more than six weeks ago at least. We were all looking forward to our lunch date very much indeed. On Monday morning, we heard news that another resident where Lucy lives had got Covid and was isolating in their room for the next ten days! Lucy and all other residents are having to do a Lateral Flow test every day for the next ten days to make sure they are all ok. Although I was told Lucy could go out, it was obviously up to us and Lucy to make that decision. Lucy decided she didn't want to put us or anyone else at risk and we also decided for several other personal reasons, that it wouldn't be very sensible at all. Lunch was cancelled and this obviously ruined our day.

It was Vivien's birthday on Thursday (today) so we needed to still meet up, to give our presents to Vivien. So Vivien came to King's Lynn and we both sat outside the Wimpy in the town, as we didn't feel like it was fair to go anywhere really nice for lunch without Lucy. Mind you, the chips, spicy bean burger in a bun and 2 fried eggs and pot of tea was very nice indeed! We chatted for a long time and then walked round the shops, as Vivien was looking for various items she needed. Then we went to Lucy's, who came outside to meet us in the car park, where we both gave Vivien her presents and cards. Although it was nice to see both my sisters together, it was not exactly joyous, plus Lucy said she was too cold to be standing outside, so we spent approximately 5 minutes together! None of us could have a hug either.😢

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