Tuesday 2 November 2021

Recovery Day!

I woke up fairly early, but went back to bed as still exhausted and was woken up by my alarm that informed me my breadmaker had finished making the granary bread at 11am. Did some telephone calls and other jobs. Went to see my lovely neighbours Anne & Lewis, to give them some small presents for looking after my house and sat and had a cup of tea with them, which was really nice. Molly their greyhound seems to like me and got very excited and then settled and went to sleep on my lap – that will surprise many of you!!!

Very reluctantly did a food shop, hated every minute, but it had be done – but the good thing was I bumped into Bev from work, which was lovely. Went to see Lucy for a minute only (just before she had her tea at 5pm) and gave her some shortbread – I will spend some proper time with her at the weekend. Posted a card to Dale to thank her for my stay at Whimbrels's Cottage. Sorted all my Shetland cakes and shortbread out and who is having what, plenty for my work colleagues tomorrow!

When I turned on my iMac last night, I did the blog and all the normal things I do. However, this evening it simply will not turn on!!! The Apple logo comes up on a black screen and the bar underneath slowly creeps up to half way and stops. Did some googling and tried doing Command R whilst turning the Mac on and still no joy. Phoned the Apple helpline, who assisted me in re-installing my OS System 'Big Sur" which is currently telling me that it is going to take 2.5 hours, so typing this on the laptop. The Apple technician told me, that if that doesn't work, I will need to erase the hard drive completely, back to factory setttings and if that then doesn't work, then it needs to go into an Apple Store for service!!! Fingers crossed that re-installing the OS system is all it needs?!

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